Sunday, May 24, 2009

Welcome to xxxRock!

I was born in the 80s. I grew up in the 90s, and now that I'm living in the 00s, I am a tad irked by one problem.

It's not that I have to endure my country's current penchant for screaming in place of singing songs;

Or that I have run out of invectives for the so-called 'musical' careers that have sprung out from Lito Camo's genius;

No, not them. There's a special abyss in my heart for those.

It's that there's a whole century and a half of history - artists, songs, trivia - that I have to backtrack on, and there's just... so little time. And brainspace.

Growing up, I was mostly exposed to the 'tamer' side of music. My granddad was the family music freak; he had a collection of LPs that he considered as his treasure. When I was younger, I watched him put them on the turntable with utmost care and listen to the smooth, silky voices with a smile on his face.

While I have nothing against Mr. Diamond, Mr. Humperdinck and Mr. Sinatra, I learned the moment I could tune in to the radio that I like my music a little rougher 'round the edges and a lot more loud and proud.

I've always been a fan of music; but most especially rock music, its artists and all permutations thereof. Hence, xxxRock: my shrine, library and diary all rolled into one. Here's me paying tribute to the emissaries of the soundtrack of my life since time immemorial to the present.

But because I am neither a musical artist nor an authority figure (and by definition still pretty much an idiot at musical jargon and styles), expect xxxRock to be mostly about the medium, sometimes about the message, and to be peppered by short reports involving both.

At least once or twice a week, xxxRock will feature artists from one sub-cat of rock music depending on the month's theme. My exposure to the genre is limited only to the interpretation of four countries, and while I'm hoping to expand my library in future, we'll have to make do with my chosen ones from the Filipino, American, Brit and J-rock scenes. For now.

And depending on how often I get to go to rock gigs and concerts, I'll be putting up write-ups of those too.

I promise nothing technical.

Just pure, unadulterated fun by a rock fan, for the rock fans. ^_^

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